Stop press,
The Heathrow show April 1-2 2006 at the park inn heathrow, was a tremendous success.
We received the greatest praise yet from seasoned audiophiles, journalists, and neighbouring exhibitors. A few still couldnt believe their ears but our surveys will be here
for you to read yourselves in the next week.
We got large orders at the show from people who travelled hundreds of miles Just to hear our product
The room was nearly a perfect cube, and possibly the worst in the show thanks to our late booking, and German exhibitor next door blasting us out with hundreds of watts of home theatre between the opposing entrances we had.. However this was a problem dealt with easily by our room equalisaer (part of our product), and keeping doors
shut when it got too loud from our neighbours (most of the time). Funnily enough , many people came to seek peace and fidelity within seconds of their deafening demo
starting, because it was so bright and boomy. I think their demo system was in the order of £40k, and they would win my award for the most equipment used to produce the lowest fidelity ever.
Thanks to all of the many listeners who had a few minutes to visit us, and especially those who are helping to 'spread the word' about the amazing invention that does what
it says "Full Audible Range"

During the show, 10 listenerscompleted a survey form about what they thought of the system. ALL the surveys are published (some unamed by agreement) and we hope you will find it interesting.
so see them at the bottom of the ENDORSEMENTS page here - click
